Performing Salah in two separate groups


Q: We are employees in a company and we have a Musalla (place for Prayer) which is about six meters wide and seven meters long. We divide ourselves into two groups to perform congregational Salah (Prayer) because of the circumstances of our work, since it is impossible to leave all the sensitive machines at the same time. Some of us go and perform Salah while the other group stays working. When it is Friday, we do the same in offering Jumu`ah (Friday) Prayer; dividing ourselves into two groups, some offer Salah while others work, when they finish Jumu`ah Prayer, the working group go and have their turn for Jumu`ah too.Is our deed valid or not? We hopefully wish Your Eminence will clarify the issue for us, may Allah reward you with the best!

A: There is no blame in your division into two groups for offering your regular daily Salah in your workplace because it is the nature of your work system. But it is invalid to offer Jumu`ah Prayer at your work place because it is Wajib (obligatory) on you to offer it at the nearest Masjid (mosque). However, due to the circumstances of your work which necessitate some of you staying beside the machines, some of you can go and perform Jumu`ah Prayer while some stay at the factory until they finish Jumu`ah Prayer in the Masjid with other Muslims. When they come back those who stayed at the factory can go and offer four Rak`ahs (units of Prayer) of Zhuhr (noon) Prayer. (Part No. 7; Page No. 78) May Allah grant us success. May Allah's Peace and Blessings be upon our Prophet Muhammad, his family, and Companions!


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