Permissibility of offering Salah in a Masjid including a grave in case there are no other Masjids


A: It is not permissible to offer Salah in Masjids that contain graves, because the Prophet (peace be upon him) said: May Allah curse the Jews and the Christians; they have taken the graves of their Prophets as Masjids (places of worship). (Agreed upon by Al-Bukhari and Muslim) He (peace be upon him) also said: Do not offer Salah (Prayer) facing the graves and do not sit on them. (Narrated by Muslim in his Sahih [authentic] Book of Hadith) Moreover, this is a means leading to Shirk (associating others with Allah in His Divinity or worship) by taking the occupants of the graves as partners with Allah and worshipping them along with Him. As for a person who does not find a Masjid except this Masjid built on a grave, they should offer Salah in another place free of graves. The Prophet (peace be upon him) said: The whole earth has been made for me a Masjid (place of worship) and a Tahur (purifier). May Allah grant us success. May peace and blessings be upon our Prophet Muhammad, his family, and Companions.
