Ruling on appointing certain times for soldiers to perform Salah


Q 2: The military leadership specifies times to the soldiers for offering Salah (prayer) during (Part No. 7; Page No. 197) the performance of field training with the following arrangements:a- The time allowed for prayer is ten to fifteen minutes. A group with the even numbers is to go first to pray, then those with the odd numbers group comes forward to pray, and they are given the same span of time?

A: a: If the allowed time is merely for offering prayer, it is enough to offer the obligatory prayer and adjoining Sunnah (supererogatory) prayer. However, if this time is for performing prayer and Wudu' (ablution), a reasonable addition of more minutes must be given for making Wudu'. Also, the entire personnel should offer the prayer in congregation, unless there is a security need for such division into two groups. B- The leadership forbids the soldiers to come forward to perform prayer as soon as its time becomes due when hearing the Adhan (call to Prayer)? A: b: If their coming to pray in the way mentioned in the question affects the performance of their job, they are to wait until the time of Iqamah (call to start the Prayer) approaches. However, if doing so does not affect the performance of their job, they should not be barred from offering the prayer at the beginning of its due time. C- Some soldiers request to go to the Masjid (mosque) and leave their duty place in order to recite the Holy Qur'an and then offer the prayer and listen to the preaching, if there is any. But the leadership fixes the time of leaving the duty place for performing prayer. This means that no opportunity is given to sit in the Masjid beyond the specified time? A: C: The answer is as follows: (Part No. 7; Page No. 198)  D - The soldiers sometimes have the responsibility of evacuating the injured or performing other important duties that compel them to delay the offering of prayer. This is due to either their being busy with tending the injured. Or other compelling circumstances. Is it permissible for them to delay it (prayer) or will they be sinful if they do so? A: D- There is no sin to do what you have mentioned in the question, if there is a compelling need to do so. E- The troops sometimes march to escort the royal procession or to accompany important guests of the state. Due to the fear of the occurrence of terroristic attacks or any security threat, the guard squads may be obliged to delay prayer. Will they be sinful for such a delay? A: f- They must observe the prayer at its due time, even individually at their posts if they cannot perform a congregational prayer because of their duties as mentioned in the question. Allah says: So keep your duty to Allâh and fear Him as much as you can . (Part No. 7; Page No. 199) May Allah grant us success. Peace and blessings of Allah be upon our Prophet Muhammad, his family and companions.
