Ruling on combining Salahs in the market


Q 9: Is it permissible to combine between Zhuhr (Noon) and `Asr (Afternoon) Prayer given that it is too difficult to find a place to pray outside home, especially when going out shopping where it becomes too difficult to find a place to pray? (Part No. 7; Page No. 35

A: You should perform each Salah (Prayer) in its due time, because Allah says: Verily, As-Salât (the prayer) is enjoined on the believers at fixed hours. Also, for the authentic Hadith of Gabriel on the times of Salah when he led the Prophet (peace be upon him) at the starting and ending time of each Salah, and said: The time (of performing prayer) is anywhere between these two times. It is further not permissible to combine Zhuhr and `Asr Prayers or Maghrib and `Isha' Prayers except for a Shar`y (legal) reason such as traveling, illness, and the like. As for failing to find a place to pray because of shopping, this is not a legal excuse to delay offering Salah from its appointed time or to combine it with another. A Muslim should be keen to offer Salah in its due time wherever he/she is.May Allah grant us success. May peace and blessings be upon our Prophet Muhammad, his family, and Companions.
