Ruling on holding banquets for the deceased on the third day


A: All that was mentioned in the question is Bid`ah, which is forbidden in Islam. Some scholars from the Salaf (righteous predecessors) counted it as an act of wailing over the deceased. So, you should advise those who practice this habit to give it up. Q 2: Some people regard the fall of rain, nice weather on the day of death, the smooth earth of the grave and the large number of those escorting the deceased to the grave and those mourning him or her as good omens for the deceased, and accordingly they say (Part No. 7; Page No. 429) he has righteous deeds, and vice versa. A: There is no legal proof about these signs, and they are false. Yet, it is hopefully a good portent to have a large number of people escorting the deceased to the grave and beseeching Allah's Forgiveness and Mercy for him or her.May Allah grant us success. May peace be upon our Prophet Muhammad, his family and Companions!


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