Ruling on reciting the Qur’an while offering a Jahri Salah behind an Imam


Q 2: What is the ruling on reciting the Qur’an while offering Jahri Salah (Prayer recited aloud) behind an Imam (the one who leads congregational Prayer)?

A: It is obligatory upon the Ma’mum (a person being led by an Imam in Prayer) to recite Al-Fatihah at the pauses left by the Imam in Jahri Salah and also in Sirri Salah (Prayer with subvocal recitation), because the Prophet (peace be upon him) said: “No Salah (Prayer) for the one who does not recite Fatiha-tul-Kitab (the Opening of the Book, i.e. Al-Fatihah).” If the Imam does not pause in Jahri Salah, the Ma’mum has to recite it while the Imam is reciting the Qur’an and then listen to him. The Prophet (peace be upon him) said: “Perhaps you recite behind your Imam?” We (the Companions) said, “Yes, it is so, O Messenger of Allah.” He (peace be upon him) said, “Do not do that except with Fatiha-tul-Kitab (i.e. Al-Fatihah); for there is no Salah (prayer) for the one who does not recite it.” However, if the Ma’mum is ignorant of the ruling, forgets to recite it (Part No. 5; Page No. 326) or can not recite it because he came while the Imam was offering Ruku‘ (bowing), reciting Al-Fatihah is overlooked for him because of the Hadith of Abu Bakarah Al-Thaqafy which is recorded in Sahih (compilation of authentic Hadith) Al-Bukhari. May Allah grant us success. May peace and blessings be upon our Prophet Muhammad, his family, and Companions.


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