Should Adhan be announced in a Musalla even if it is heard from a nearby Masjid?


Q: We are a group of employees in a governmental department. We offer congregational Salah (Prayer) at a specific place but we do not call the Adhan (call to Prayer) for congregational Salah because we do not hear the Adhan of the Masjid (mosque). We just make the Iqamah (call to start the Prayer) before we pray. I hope your Eminence will explain the following points:First: Is it permissible to make the Iqamah only and overlook the Adhan? Second: What if the microphone in our Masjid (mosque) does not work or there is a power cut (Part No. 5; Page No. 53) because we, or some of us, depend on hearing the Adhan from the Masjid? Is it permissible for women to make Adhan and Iqamah? Third: A person or a group of people entered the Masjid to offer Salah and found that the Salah was over, do they have to make Adhan and Iqamah or do they have to make Iqamah as most people do today?Fourth: If a person slept and missed some Prayers, what is permissible for him with regards to the Adhan and Iqamah? Fifth: Is it permissible for a woman to fast and perform Salah after delivery if postpartum blood stopped before forty days?

A: First: You have to offer Salah in the nearest Masjid as long as you are able to do so and as long as you can hear the Adhan; because it is obligatory for men to offer obligatory Salah in the Masjid and it is not permissible to postpone it. As for women, it is not permissible for them at all to make Adhan or Iqamah.Second: Nowadays, there are accurate tools that tell the time. If you cannot hear the Adhan, you may consult your watch to know the time and go to the Majisd.Third: Making the Adhan is one of the collective obligations. If the Mu'adhin (caller to Prayer) made the Adhan in the Masjid and finished Salah and a new group was held to offer the Salah they missed, (Part No. 5; Page No. 54) it is permissible for them to make Iqamah only and they do not have to make the Adhan.Fourth: If a person lives in the city, it is permissible for them to make Iqamah for every missed Salah. But if a person lives in the desert or a place where no one makes the Adhan, it is permissible for them to make the Adhan and Iqamah for every Salah.Fifth: If the woman became ritually pure before forty days of her postpartum period, she has to perform Ghusl (ritual bath following major ritual impurity), offer Salah and fast, and it is permissible for her husband to have sexual intercourse with her; because she is considered ritually pure after the postpartum blood stops.May Allah grant us success. May peace and blessings be upon our Prophet Muhammad, his family, and Companions.
