Some supplications said when starting Salah


Q 6: Is this form of Du‘a’-ul-Istiftah (opening supplication when starting the Prayer) authentic or not: "Allahu Akbar Kabiran" (Allah is the Greatest) thrice, "Al-Hamdulilah Kathiran" (All Praise is due to Allah in abundance) thrice, and "Subhan Allah Bukratan wa Asila" (Glorified be Allah in the morning and in the evening) thrice ? Is it sufficient to say each one of them once? Should we say after this Du‘a’ (supplication): I seek refuge with Allah from the devil, from his evil insinuation, his puffing up, and his pride or not? A: It was authentically reported that one of Du‘a’-ul-Istiftah is the following: "Allahu Akbar Kabiran, (Part No. 5; Page No. 318

A: It was authentically reported that one of Du‘a’-ul-Istiftah is the following: "Allahu Akbar Kabiran, (Part No. 5; Page No. 318) wa al-Hamdulilah Kathiran, wa Subhan Allah Bukratan wa Asila. (Allah is the Greatest, All Praise is due to Allah in abundance, Glorified be Allah in the morning and the evening)". It should be said only once without repetition. Then one who performs Salah should begin recitation, saying Isti‘adhah, Basmalah and then Al-Fatihah.
