Someone entered a Masjid (mosque)


Q 2: What is the ruling on an Imam (the one who leads congregational Prayer) who repeats the recitation of Al-Fatihah twice in Salat-ul-`Eid (the Festival Prayer) or Jumu`ah (Friday) Prayer?

A: It is impermissible to repeat Al-Fatihah twice on purpose, either in Salat-ul-`Eid, the Jumu`ah Prayer or any other Salah, as this was not authentically reported from the Prophet (peace be upon him), who said, If anyone introduces in our matter (i.e. Religion) something which does not belong to it, will have it rejected. (Agreed upon by Imams Al-Bukhari and Muslim). However, the Salah is valid, and you should advise him so that he does not do it again.May Allah grant us success. May peace and blessings be upon our Prophet Muhammad, his family, and Companions.
