Taking the practice of paying a sum of money by whoever goes to offer their condolences to the bereaved family as a regular practice


Q: Being the inhabitants of the region of Alma`, located in the southern region, our ancestors used to live relying on Allah (Glorified and Exalted be He) and on the grains their farms produced and the meat, milk and butter they could get. Such a society was an example of social solidarity recommended by our great religion of Islam.An example of such solidarity among the members of the society was that when a person died and that person was from a poor family who had no food due to being busy with the death and having no time to earn their living, this made them follow a particular method as a sort of solidarity with the bereaved family. The method was as follows: Whoever came to offer condolences to the bereaved family, would bring half a bushel of wheat, corn or barley, each according to their ability without forcing anyone to do that or being asked or begged to do that by the bereaved family, but it was done willingly by people to comfort the bereaved family and provide them with food without burdening them with any costs. It is worth mentioning that these grains were used for making food for the bereaved family and the relatives of the dead person who came from different places to receive those who come to offer their condolences. This practice went on for a long time.Then, the sun of the Saudi State rose in the Arabian peninsula and welfare spread to all corners of the Arabian peninsula including (Part No. 7; Page No. 426) our region. As a result, sources of income increased after they had been limited to farming and grazing. All people get their needs from the governmental sources; a job, a subsidy or any other means of lawful income.Most foods are bought ready-made from places outside the house of the bereaved family, a matter that made people give up the practice of bringing half a bushel of grains and instead give a sum of money (50 Riyals) to the bereaved family. This aims to make the bereaved family feel that the society sympathizes with them, as the dead person may be the father or the supporter of the family, so this money can be used to cover the expenses of the family even for a short period of time until the family return to their normal life. Also, some of the money is used to buy food for the bereaved family and their relatives who come from different places to console the bereaved family and receive those offering their condolences to the bereaved family.I would like to inform you that this sum of money is paid voluntarily, as no one is blamed for not paying it or going to the bereaved family. Besides, this sum of money is very easy to pay. When the bereaved family have such sums of money, this will help them with regard to many matters; for example, paying the debts of the dead person, as many people may die while being indebted to others. Therefore, such debts can be paid from the remainder of this gift. In addition, this money helps the bereaved family with their livelihood until the pressure of their affliction becomes alleviated.In recent times, people have had long arguments about this question, taking into account that this has nothing to do with people's gathering at the house of the bereaved family. In most cases, (Part No. 7; Page No. 427) the consoler goes to offer his condolences to the bereaved family. Then, he meets separately with the one who is most related by kinship to the dead person and gives him the sum of money or meets him in the graveyard, in the street or in the mosque, or sends the sum of money to the bereaved family without being begged or asked by the bereaved family to give this money.For the things mentioned above and our desire to know the juristic ruling on this question as the truth is better to be followed, we would be grateful if Your Eminency could give us the juristic ruling on this question!

A: It is not permissible to take the practice of paying a sum of money by whoever goes to offer their condolences to the bereaved family as a regular practice, as this has no origin in the religion of Islam. If someone dies and leaves a poor family with no supporter or someone dies while being indebted to others and leaves nothing to pay such debts and whoever knows about this donates whatever money they can for the sake of paying this debt, this is a good practice as it is a sort of comforting the bereaved family or absolving the dead person from such debt. Allah (Exalted be He) says: Help you one another in Al-Birr and At-Taqwâ (virtue, righteousness and piety) .May Allah grant us success. May peace and blessings be upon our Prophet Muhammad, his family, and Companions.
