Using the device that is fastened to a pray rug to determine the direction of Qiblah


A: Using the device that is fastened to a pray rug to determine the direction of Qiblah and the number of Rak`ahs requires a detailed explanation.It is permissible to use it to determine the direction of the Qiblah; for what helps to identify the Qiblah is required according to the Shari`ah (Islamic law).As for using it to determine the number of Rak`ahs, this is a kind of bringing sophistication to `Ibadah (worship) which is based on easiness in Islam. Besides, relying on this device distracts the mind from the purposes of Salah (Prayer) and affects one's presence of the mind. This opens the door also to altering this great Rukn (Pillar); and anything that leads to this should be abandoned according to Shari`ah.May Allah grant us success. May peace and blessings be upon our Prophet Muhammad, his family, and Companions.


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