Wandering with the deceased during following the funeral


A: The Sunnah (action following the teachings of the Prophet) is to hasten to bury the deceased after offering the Janazah (Funeral) Prayer on him or her, and they should take the shortest way to the cemetery. This is based on the Hadith narrated by Sa`id ibn Al-Musayyib on the authority of Abu Hurayrah (Part No. 7; Page No. 430) (may Allah be pleased with him) that the Prophet (peace be upon him) said: "Hurry up with the dead body for if it was righteous, you are forwarding it to welfare; and if it was otherwise, then you are removing an evil thing from your necks." (Agreed upon by Al-Bukhari and Muslim). The wording of this Hadith is Al-Bukhari's (Volume 2, page 88)Accompanying the funeral through all the ways and corners of the city has no origin from the Qur'an or the Sunnah of the Prophet (peace be upon him). Rather, it is one of the heresies innovated in religion. So, it is prohibited to do so even if the deceased has written it in his will before his or her death.May Allah grant us success. May peace be upon our Prophet Muhammad, his family and Companions!
