Whenever the Khatib happens to mention the name of the Prophet


Q 1: It was authentically reported that the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) said what means: Anyone who says to his fellow Muslim, ‘Be quiet!’ on Friday while the Imam is delivering the Khutbah (sermon) has indulged in vain talk and anyone who indulges in vain talk (Part No. 7; Page No. 130) shall not receive full reward for performing Jum`ah (Friday) Prayer. It was also authentically reported that he (peace be upon him) said what means: A miser is someone who, when I am mentioned in their presence, does not invoke Allah's Blessings and Peace upon me. It is quite well-known that the Khatib (preacher) may quote some Hadiths of the Messenger (peace be upon him) and may require the audience to invoke Allah's Peace and Blessings upon him. Is there anything wrong with that? Does the audience have to invoke Allah's Peace and Blessings upon the Prophet in a loud or a low voice? Please enlighten us, may Allah reward you!

A: Whenever the Khatib happens to mention the name of the Prophet (peace be upon him), you may invoke Allah's peace and blessings upon him in a low voice. In this way, you will be applying the rulings pertaining to the two Hadiths cited above. It becomes clear enough that the apparent contradiction between these two Hadiths is of no account.
