Women offering Salah behind an Imam


Q 2: All praise be to Allah Alone; many Masjids (mosques) have spread recently especially by highways and public places. These Masjids are built in a way that separates women’s Musallas (praying places) from the main parts of the concerned Masjids. Some of these women’s Musallas are even built in the courtyard of the Masjids to the extent that female worshipers cannot see the end of the men’s rows. Moreover, women may not hear the Takbir (saying: "Allahu Akbar [Allah is the Greatest]") said by the Imam (the one who leads congregational Prayer) unless speakers are used. Is it thus, permissible for women to pray in such Musallas? Is it better for them to pray in such rooms with the congregation or to pray alone? May Allah reward you with the best for the help you provide us with.

A: If the Musalla allocated for women is located inside the rail of the Masjid, it will be permissible for female worshipers to follow the Imam in Salah (Prayer) just by hearing his voice, whether the women hear the Imam directly or through speakers, and whether they can see the Imam or not.May Allah grant us success. May peace and blessings be upon our Prophet Muhammad, his family, and Companions.


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